Here is the list of my Projects

  1. Fin-Tweets

    June, 2021

    An Application built with ReactJS,Redux-Toolkit,ExpressJS,NodeJS and MongoDB which can be used a social media app with the community to discuss about a topic.

    • Authentication(SignUp,LogIn)
    • Update profile with details like profile-Image,cover-Image,bio and website
    • Ability to create posts
    • Like and dislike different posts
    • Add comments to a post
    • Like and dislike a comment

    Live Project
  2. Fin-Quiz

    May, 2021

    An Application built with TypeScript,ReactJS,ExpressJS,NodeJS and MongoDB It contails small set of Quizes related to finance.

    Live Project
  3. Learn Finance

    April, 2021

    An Application built with ReactJS,ExpressJS,NodeJS and MongoDB which contains a curated list of videos on Personal Finance and Investing. It has got the following functionalities

    • Authentication
    • Ability to create playlists and add videos
    • User Specific History
    • User Specific Liked Videos

    Live Project
  4. Component Library

    March, 2021

    An Application built with HTML,CSS,ReactJS.It conatins CSS utility classes which can help the development process

    Live Project Source Code
  5. Ecommerce Application

    March, 2021

    An Application built with ReactJS,ExpressJS,NodeJS and MongoDB which contains a curated list of books on Personal Finance and Investing. It has got the following functionalities

    • Authentication
    • User Specific Cart
    • User Specific Wishlist

    Live Project
  6. Github Details Fetcher

    January, 2021

    An Application built with ReactJS and Firebase which can assist you in getting summary of a prospects github profile.

    Live Project View Source
  7. Youtube Channel Recommendation

    December, 2020

    An Application built with ReactJS.

    Live Project View Source
  8. Hand Emoji Interpreter

    December, 2020

    An app built with ReactJS. It can be used to understand different Hand Emojis

    Live Project View Source
  9. Yoda speaks

    December, 2020

    A app built with JavaScript. It can be used to translate English to Yoda Language

    Live Project View Source
  10. Minions Way

    December, 2020

    A app built with JavaScript. It can be used to translate English to Minions Language

    Live Project View Source
  11. Quiz on IPL

    November, 2020

    A CLI app built with nodeJS. This is a quiz on IPL

    Live Project View Source
  12. how well do you know me?

    November, 2020

    A CLI app built with nodeJS. You can send this to your friends and find out who really knows you

    Live Project View Source